Life is Like a Bowl of Fruit.
Fruity People/Wax/Summer/Teenagers/Two
I have come to the conclusion that people are
like fruit. Some are sweet, some are tart, some are just waxy and weird
looking. Maybe that wasn't a good analogy...but I think I've heard it used
Summer for kids is like a relaxer. It helps kids
want to learn when they come back. They are so bored out of their
minds. I should say WE, because I am still considered a kid. In some
peoples eyes teenagers are kids. It is the link from childhood to
adulthood. To most people, that is the hardest time in their lives.
They must deal with social pressure. I agree that social pressure is hard,
but it can be overcome. The crowd of kids needs to be a good bunch of
people. Back to the summer issue. Summer makes kids rusty.
They need to re-learn the things that they forgot. It is a good tool and a
bad tool. Good for students. Bad for students. There are
ultimately two sides to everything. Be it a spherical item, or a piece of
paper. There is even two sides to a computer. Not virtually, but
Life is pointless. Why do we exist? Humans
are a mistake. A rather miraculous mistake, but mistake none the
less. With thumbs, we have been able to do magnificent things, and
terrible things. Two sides to everything like I said...Live life to the
fullest, and try to enjoy the little things. A few blades of grass are one
plant. A whole field of grass is always taken for granted.
Cheese is funny. If you really think about it, it
is really gross. Milk products are disgusting. A person consumes
this stuff that comes from another animals body. We are the only animals
that consume milk from other creatures (well, except for "la chupicabra").
Curdled milk makes yogurt. The yogurt is usually flavored with some
chemical that was made in a factory. Crazy stuff. Cheese is a funny
word. I think it's the long eeee sound that makes it funny.