People just READ comics.

Comics/Pinkie/Stories/School Groups/Barbie Dolls

    I have found that most people just read comics without looking at the pictures.  They just want to get to the punch line.  Most people call my comic 'weird' because they don't understand it.  Some things are better off different.  If I wanted to, I could just draw stick figures and give them names with a lot of text and stuff.  That's just not my style though.  I try to get people to actually LOOK at my comics while they read them.  One method which I use and find effective is to add something that occurs in every comic.  In my case, a small cow named Pinkie.  Why a cow, and why pinkie, don't ask me...but I know for certain that once people search for the cow, they actually SEE the comic instead of just reading it.

    Am I evil?  A little.  Do I know what I'm doing right now?  No.  If your reading this out of shear boredom, be entertained by this.  Laugh if its funny.  If it isn't, then you have a good reason to send me hate mail.  There has been scientific researches done on people who read comics.  They just read comics and don't pay attention.  To know a person, you must get into their minds.  What would they do if given this situation?  Why do certain people do certain things the way they do?  These are a few of the questions I ask myself if put in the readers shoes.  I have thought about writing a story and making people read it.  I'd probably put a gun to their head and say "Read my damn story."

    A student like me should be doing fairly well in school.  I am.  People say that teenagers are the cause of most problems.  Some of that is true.  Taking an adult side, I can see that the rational teenager is one in ten.  The daring ones turn to skateboarding and more risky activities.  When drugs are put in front of them, they say yes, and experience the strange feelings they get from depressants and anti-depressants.  There are the people who want to fit in to the crowd.  There is the crowd.  The people made up of the crowd is usually one person being the leader that says everything.  There is usually a person that is loyal to the leader and tries to mirror the leader in any possible form.  There is the quiet one that says close to nothing, but listens.  That person usually makes smart decisions and says bright things.  Then there is the sarcastic one.  The more evil one that is made fun of by the rest of the group.  There are other people in the group with their own views that they contribute to the discussion between what is going on.  That group generalizes and I'm not saying that EVERY group is like that.  My group for example is like that.  There is a leader, a loyal follower, a sarcastic one, a quiet one (me), and few people that come and go.

    Barbie dolls scare me.  Maybe its because they are made out of plastic and are way too tall.  Another reason why they scare me would be the fact that they never grow old.  Always smiling with their blue eyes and blonde hair.  Perfect smiles.  I don't appreciate people with perfect smiles as much as I appreciate the people with not so perfect smiles.  Barbie dolls scare me for more reasons that I don't want to get into right now.  I think I am fresh out of creative juice for tonight.  That just about sums up my rant and ramble!



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