
Friday , September 20 , 2002


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warning:  some swearing may occur.

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I decided I'd change the layout once we hit fifty!  So now here we are with a cool new purple look.  I'm bound to add more fun stuff.  If you're new here, this comic is about a bunch of kids in a small touristy town by a beach.  Hence the name Kahuna Beach.  I try to keep my comics constantly funny, and my goal is 200 comics.  I might do more though.  The comic updates m-w-f!  That's all you need to know.  Just come back when we update.




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Kahuna Beach is a hilarious comic about kids on a touristy filled town by the beach.  All (fucking funny) materials is copyrighted by Shon Gordon.  If you steal his shit, he'll come after you (because he knows your IP address), and slaughter your family...So if you're just going to rip off my stuff, please just ask me first.  Thanks!  Kahuna Beach is hosted on Keenspace (they rule), a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.